Learn more about what Retrofit3D can do for your operations:

In the past, there were only two ways to overcome a failing valve: replace it with an OEM or repair the failing internal components with refurbished components that use the same design as the old parts.

That’s why we developed Retrofit3D. Retrofit3D is the only solution in the market that enables plant operators to replace their failing valve trim with field-proven DRAG® technology to combine the ease of installation with improved performance. 

The process begins with:

  1. An engineering evaluation of the current operating conditions of the valve that needs to be replaced.
  2. Next, we manufacture the trim to your exact conditions using state-of-the-art additive manufacturing.
  3. We then deliver it within four weeks in time for your next weekender. 

We guarantee each Retrofit3D service for up to 12 months, so you won’t have to order them again any time soon. 

Let’s begin with a consultation. Fill out the form here to get started >>>